Noak and Mitchell CPA - Developed by SiteDart Studio Business Web Development and Design Western North Carolina

As a Tax Preparer, you want to have a professional look to your website.

Accountants, CPAs and Tax Professionals must display accurate information about their business, and of course must have the capability to help their clients by offering the most current data for their profession.

Drake Software for Tax PreparersAs a subsidiary of Drake Enterprises, SiteDart Studio’s web design team understands the requirements of tax preparation web development, and offers an optimized web presence to help visitors find your company on the net. From development and design to branding and marketing, we will handle it for you, by offering the best experience for your customer base.

Lets take a look at some of the solutions SiteDart Studio has designed for tax preparer websites… tax preparer website developed by SiteDart Studio

ATOM (Automated Tax Office Manager) needed a new design that offered a way for it’s customers to login to their portal for it’s tax management software. The original design was dated, and did not offer a mobile solution. SiteDart Studio delivered a website solution that not only catered to their audience, but was enhanced for their Spanish speaking clients, with an easy to use translation tool.

CPA Tax preparer website Developed by SiteDart Studio Business Web Development and Design Western North Carolina

Noak and Mitchell, CPA’s from Florida had a large database of information they shared with their audience on their website. The concern was that the website was not generating leads. As well, their mobile design was not working. SiteDart Studio took that design and developed a sleeker interface, a mobile website design and replaced the information with contact forms and lead generating displays that would offer more contact with their client base.

John P. Wood, CPA Home Page Tax preparer website

Jon Wood, CPA was a perfect candidate for SiteDart Studio’s “Beautify the Web” campaign. A dated website that was in need of help. We approached his design by offering a unique look and feel to his web presence. This allowed our team to offer a creative web development solution with an easy to edit interface for the customer to make changes to the most important sections of the website.

By offering tools to create branding for websites, social media and email marketing campaigns while tuning the customers presence on the web that enhances SEO, SiteDart Studio’s experience with websites for tax preparers means a quality product for your client base.

Find out more about tax preparer websites…